By 1934, Americans were organizing 10,000 Bingo games a week. ('Erasmus') performs as a stage magician and mentalist and divides his time between Europe and North America. He is the editor of. Erasmus San Diego 2021 / 2022 (English) Welcome to the forum for Erasmus San Diego 2021 / 2022! This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for San Diego in 2021 / 2022 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive.

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Studying and living abroad is a huge step. Getting out of your comfort zone is not always easy, but would definitely boost your personal and professional skills. The Erasmus program is a great opportunity for you to live new experiences, whether you choose to study or do an internship abroad. Maybe you are feeling uneasy and can’t decide if you should go on Erasmus, but that’s normal. The most difficult part is the decision, but we can guarantee that you will not regret it. Here are listed 10 benefits of Erasmus exchange program that will help you decide.

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Why should you go on an Erasmus Exchange Program? – The Benefits of Erasmus

Doing an Erasmus in a country, you consider living in the future

Many people have an idea of what it might be living somewhere else. However, you will never know how you would adapt unless youtry it yourself. About 40% of ex-exchange students moved to another country after graduating, and about 93% of exchange students imagine themselves living abroad in the future. So, before committing permanently to living and working in a different country, you can start by going there on Erasmus and see it for yourself.

Taking a semester or an internship abroad through the Erasmus + program will increase your employability

Increasing employability is one of the main reasons and one of the most significant benefits of the Erasmus exchange program. It is proven that an exchange program boosts your CV and helps you stand out in the job market. About 64% of employers consider an international experience to be significant for recruitment. Furthermore, an exchange program will provide you with soft skills, taking the initiative and proactivity, which are crucial for future jobs.

Experience different learning and teaching practices with local Erasmus supported institutions

The institutions you have spent your whole life studying at might not offer a lot of new and innovative learning practices. When you go abroad, you will understand how teaching methods differ from country to country. You will probably learn with those differences and start looking at things from a different perspective.

Figure out what you want to do with your life

Even after starting their academic studies, many students are still unsure of what path to choose in the future. One of the benefits of Erasmus is that some situations you may go through or even the courses you take abroad could give you hints of what you really would like to do with your life. Maybe going on Erasmus will provide you with business ideas that you can pursue in the future. About 1 in 10 Erasmus trainees have started their own company, and 3 out of 4 plan on doing it soon. Eurosender founded when the co-founder Tim Potočnik encountered some problems when returning from a stay abroad. Learn more about the idea behind Eurosender’s creation.

Travel around your chosen Erasmus destination

One of the most popular reasons to go on Erasmus is that you will have the opportunity to get to know new places. Whether you travel in a group or alone, going to different locations will show you how big and amazing the world we live in is.

Opportunity to study abroad with Erasmus + financial support

When you go for an Erasmus study program, you won’t have to pay the tuition fees for your new university. Besides, the EU Commission provides you with an Erasmus Grant to help you with your expenses during your time abroad. Getting financial support is one of the most significant benefits of Erasmus. If you would like to do it without being an Erasmus student, you would probably have to pay for everything yourself.

You learn to trust yourself

When you are in an unfamiliar place, far from your comfort zone, you have no option but to learn how to deal with unexpected situations. In these cases, you will have to believe in your capacity to face and solve any problems you might encounter. Despite being quite uncomfortable and sometimes frustrating, you will have more self-confidence and know what to do in the future.

Learning to stick to a budget and balance your finances

You will be in charge of everything during your stay abroad: shopping for groceries, accommodation and transportation, to name a few. Although it might be hard at first to cope with everything, you will soon be independent and start doing it like a pro. This experience will prepare you for the future if you plan on living on your own later on.

Gain international and intercultural competencies, as well as cultural awareness

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When you start living in a multicultural environment, you will learn a lot from other cultures. Dealing with people from all over the world daily will eliminate some of the myths about other countries and hopefully any preconceptions you had about different cultures. Dealing with several cultures could help you to be more tolerant and understanding. One of the benefits of Erasmus is precisely that: learn how to be open-minded towards other people.

Make friends that could last you a lifetime

You will get to know people in the same situation as you will be: alone in the unknown and out of their comfort zone. People in such cases tend to rely on each other and join forces to face adversities together. You will create strong bonds with your Erasmus family, and most likely find friendships for life.

As you can see, the benefits of Erasmus are unlimited. By the end of your Erasmus, you will have plenty of stories to tell and many memories that you will keep close to your heart. Although you might be sad when it all comes to an end, you will realize how lucky you were to be able to have this opportunity. Once it’s over, Eurosender can make things a bit easier for you: we can arrange shipping services so that you can send home your stuff. Check out Why It is Better to Ship your Suitcases when Flying.

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The facts and numbers mentioned in this article resulted from a study of the impact of Erasmus. Check out the European Commission page to know more details about it.